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Use Sharing to Collaborate with WorkFlowy


November 29, 2018


One of the most powerful features of WorkFlowy is the ability to share part of your WorkFlowy with anyone at any level of the hierarchy. The recipient can add the shared item into their WorkFlowy and organize it where it fits best into their system. Then the two of you can collaborate on that content with changes synced back and forth automatically. Any changes made by the other person will be included in your WorkFlowy Daily Update email.

I use WorkFlowy sharing in a variety of ways. In my personal life I have a shared bullet called “Medical” where there is information about doctor’s appointments and other health data for me, my wife, and my son. I also have a “Goals” item shared with my wife where we list out long-term goals and enjoy crossing them out together as we achieve important milestones. And of course we share “Shopping” lists where we can both add items that we need to buy and cross them off after visiting a store.

WorkFlowy the company has an item shared with all employees called “WorkFlowy” where we collaborate on improving our product and running the company. There are notes from meetings, feature and bug backlogs, design documents, and much more. We even report expenses under a “Reimbursements” section that get crossed off when they have been processed by payroll.

If you haven’t tried out sharing with WorkFlowy I want to strongly encourage you to give it a shot. There are two main ways to share, by email address or by link. When you share by email address you can add multiple recipients and each of them will receive an email which includes the shared content and a link to access it. When you share by link a private URL is generated that you can give to whoever you want. Only someone with that URL can access the content.

You also have the ability to determine whether the people you share with can edit the content. With email sharing you can determine this on a per-person basis. If you want to share some information in a “read-only” way, WorkFlowy sharing is great for this. I use read-only mode for a list of my favorite books that I share with some friends and update with new recommendations from time to time.

To share an item from the web or desktop app, hover your mouse over a bullet until a menu appears. Click the ‘Share’ in the menu. A dialog will appear and you can enter the email address for the person you want to share with. Click ‘Add’ to add them to the list of shared people. You can share with more than one person.

Note: You can currently only share from web and desktop. Sharing from the iOS and Android apps is on our backlog and should be coming in the near future. Stay Tuned!


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Hello Olga
Hello Olga
2 years ago

Is there a way to search a shared with me lists by “who” or by the person who shared it?

2 years ago

Is there a way to “transclude” shared bullets?

When you click on a shared-workflowy-url, it opens that sub-tree in a new browser window.

But, it would be cool if you could use the URL to create a transcluded/mirrored bullet that the recipient could move around in their personal Workflowy.

Is there a way to do this?


[…] Sharing improvements […]

Rol Fessenden
Rol Fessenden
5 years ago

I love WF, but I am in a bind. I have transitioned all my work over to iPad which is much more portable than my Mac, and in most ways, easier to use. WF for Mobil, though, is not up to snuff. Or at least I have not figured out to make it as efficient as the Mac. Version is. I am sad about this.

5 years ago

Thanks for Workflowy! I use it all the time

Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
5 years ago

Thanks. I don’t understand why a blog post for a feature released years ago.

Simon Joliveau
Simon Joliveau
5 years ago
Reply to  Tony Stewart

Maybe because they found out that many people didn’t use or know about the feature ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Simon Joliveau

yea and i guess they made share by e-mail free for all.

5 years ago

Could you guys add the feature which user can see all shared content?

5 years ago
Reply to  Rick

you can search is:shared

5 years ago

Next feature: Numbered lists.

Denys Calvin
Denys Calvin
5 years ago

Discovering this feature in August has opened the door for us to a truly revolutionary way to document policies, procedures and “how to” manuals. Together with a home-grown mechanism for embedding links back to internal files, directories & automated procedures on our systems, we are well on our way to building the “book of everything”. WorkFlowy is an “environment”, like Excel, not merely a repository of lists. Extraordinary!

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